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Find Our Way (Breakaway)

Key To Life, Kathleen Murphy

SU21D | 1995-05-01  
New-York-based Sub-Urban Records, founded by the mighty Tommy Musto and Silvio Tancredi in 1992, was one of the most consistent American garage and vocal house labels of its time. Musto was the driving force behind the label for his exceptional production and remixing work. The label’s first releases by Musto along with Victor Simonelli and Matthias Heilbronn were to set the tone for its outstanding quality with its distinctive solid beat, tight keyboards and soulful, often gospel-tinged vocals. Over the years, Sub-Urban Records has showcased much-loved releases from the likes of Jazz-N-Groove, Deep Zone, Kerri Chandler, Mousse T, Sandy Rivera and many more.

Tommy Musto presents the seminal ‘Find Our Way (Breakaway)’ release under his Key To Life pseudonym with vocals from Kathleen Murphy and backing vocals from Lee Genesis. ‘Tommy’s Revival Mix' features a pumping beat, roaring vocals and joyous synths – accompanied by the ‘Praise Singers Dub’ and ‘Accapella’ versions.

Key To Life featuring Kathleen Murphy 'Find Our Way (Breakaway)'

1. Find Our Way (Breakaway) (Tommy’s Revival Mix)
2. Find Our Way (Breakaway) (Praise Singers Dub)
3. Find Our Way (Breakaway) (Accapella)

Written, Produced, Programmed & Mixed by Tommy Musto for Northcott
Lead Vocals by Kathleen Murphy
Backing Vocals by Lee Genesis & Kathleen Murphy
Keyboards by Barry D
Drums by Nicky P
Assistant Engineer Hernan Santiago
Published by Northcott Music
P&C 1995 Sub-Urban Records
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