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GU861 | 2023-09-08  
According to the ranking website, Beatstats, Dilby has been the world's #1 Deep house artist for the last 12 months. It's not hard to understand why. His recent run of productions has been nothing short of stunning. From his massive cut for us ("Remember Me") to stand-out cuts on 8 Bit, Deepalma and Ohral, he delivers the goods for deeper DJs time after time. "Trippin'" is his latest single and reworks a well-known sample (taken initially from Jill Scott's "It's Love") but popularised by Goldtrix and Hot Since 82. Dilby's version might share the vocal heritage with these two classics. Still, alongside Liv Campbell's delicately powerful delivery, he's created a slow-burning hypnotic anthem that will be on our USBs for at least a long time.

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